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Get Involved!

        We may be a small parish, but we keep busy! At Saint

        Ann, there are many ways for you to become involved

and we welcome all who wish to help! 

  1.  Pierogi team- during our pierogi sales during Lent, we always need extra help with everything from making the filling, pinching the pierogi, cooking and of course, selling them! Contact the office at 330. 938. 2033 for more information! 

  2. Altar Server- If you have received your First Eucharist, you are able to assist at mass by becoming an Altar Server. Adults are welcome too! For training and more information, please contact the office. 

  3. Eucharistic Minister/ Lector: If you have been confirmed, you are able to become a lector or a minister of the Holy Eucharist during masses! We always welcome anyone who wishes to help! If you are interested in become a Lector or Eucharistic Minister, please contact the office. 

  4. Mowing Crew: During the summer months, we are always in need of a few extra hands to help keep our church grounds looking nice! If you enjoy working outside and would like to help, please call the office for more information (330)938-2033.

  5. Donut Crew: At St. Ann, the first Sunday of the month, Oct. thru May is donut Sunday. Much like our pierogi season, Donut Sunday takes a lot of effort and we are always willing to have some extra help. If you are interested in helping with our donut sales, please call the office for more information.

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